HFF is a family shelter in Columbus, Ohio. It provides shelter and support services for homeless families and an extensive tutoring and enrichment program for homeless and at-risk school aged children. HFF's mission is to provide shelter, support, stability and nurturing to homeless children and their families as they prepare to acquire permanent housing.
Your support as a volunteer is critical to Come Home for the Holidays and to the continued success of HFF in providing shelter and critical programs to families and children in Central Ohio. Over 60 volunteers are needed. I hope you will consider volunteering from 6:00pm-10:00pm on Friday, November 4th for Come Home for the Holidays.
Please let me know if you are interested in assisting the children and families of Central Ohio by volunteering at Come Home for the Holidays and what volunteer jobs you are most interested. Positions available for volunteering:
Silent Auction Table Staff Greeters
Raffle Ticket Sellers and Surprise Boxes
Check In
Registration/Check Out
In addition, please feel free to pass this information along to your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, and colleagues. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at subhalembach@gmail.com or 614.743.0104.
Subha Lembach
Chair, Volunteers
Come Home for the Holidays
Awesome, I'll cross post about it, if I were going to be in town I would be glad to help.